Category Archives: 미분류

용두암의 전설

안녕!!! 만다린이에요!!!!!!! 오늘은 제주 용두암 설화를 이야기해 드릴게요! 옛날에 제주섬에 승천을 앞둔 용이 살고 있었어요.|이 용은 승천할 때가 되자 한라산 산신령의 옥구슬을 입에 물고 하늘로 올라가려고 했어요.이에 분노한 산신령이| 용을 향해 화살을 쏘자 용은 승천하지 못한 채 바다로|떨어져 몸체는 바다에 잠기고 머리 부분만 하늘로 향하예 물 위에 떠 굳어져서 용두암’이 되었다는 전설이 전해저요.또 다른 전설은… Read More »

The big Earth

Hello! I am Mandarlyn! These days,People are harming the Earth! You guys could think “We are okay, there is no harm..” BUT the harm comes back! First, the harm goes to the earth, and the Earth gets destroyed,and we too. There are many news that we could live in another planets. The humans living in… Read More »

Self telling

Hello! I am going to introduce about my self today.I am a elementry student called Nalyn.I am 11 years old and my hobby is drawing, playing with dolls in english and many many things.My dream is to be a writer because I want many people to laugh, be touched, and have many fun emotions.When I… Read More »

The three authors that made my dream

Roald Dahl,J.K Rolling,Mo Williams are the ones who made my dream. Again, my dream is a writer and I am going to write maaaany books. I want to become a person who brings laughter to many people. I want to become a person who brings laughter to many people. I want to fill the hearts… Read More »